
Take a stand. Find your voice. Get support. Bullying and cyberbullying affect us all; you’re not alone! Whether you’ve been a victim, witnessed an incident, or simply know someone who’s been bullied, we’ve got tools and tips that can help.

Be Kind Online is a social movement – a reminder to rethink your online behaviour, embrace our connectedness, and spread positivity. Be Kind Online aims to end bullying and cyberbullying in our communities. As an organization committed to diversity, inclusion, and acceptance, SaskTel is proud to lead this initiative and help empower those committed to changing online behaviour for the better.


Want to be a positive force in your community? Have an idea? Spreading kindness begins with you! Have your voice heard, and rally others to Be Kind Online (and in person). Apply for a Be Kind Online Grant today and you could receive up to $1,000 to bring your idea to life.

How to Apply


Discover how others are taking a stand against bullying and cyberbullying, and maybe pick up a few ideas of your own while you’re at it. Through the Be Kind Online Grant Program, we’ve built a strong community of advocates that are spreading kindness across the province. Who knows, our next recipient could be you!

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St. Gerard School: Interconnections

Students partnered up with seniors at Porteous Lodge to teach them how to use iPads and read stories to the residents while creating intergenerational connections!
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Rivier Elementary School: Together Tuesday

The students at Rivier Elementary School in Spiritwood, SK implemented "Together Tuesday". One Tuesday each month will be focused on kindness! Everything from spreading kindness, learning about kindness, and showing acts of kindness!
Other Grant Recipients


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SJHL Speaks Up About Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying hurts. Kindness helps. SJHL players and coaches share their message...
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Keep On

With kindness and compassion we can get through anything...
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Pink & White Game

On January 22nd, top SJHL and MJHL hockey players wore Be Kind Online pink and white jerseys to show their support to end bullying...
Speak up against bullying
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